By attending the HEART Weekend Workshop I learned that I can be myself and I can love myself…all of me. That it’s okay for me to not be perfect, for me to be a work in progress. It’s okay for me to have needs, and wants, and desires. And for ME, it’s okay to be uglee sometimes. I would tell others that it’s worth it because YOU’RE worth it. Invest in yourself. Take the time out for you, to know yourself. It’s the most important relationship you have in your life.
– Don
It was an amazing weekend with special people. After an intense like the one we shared, my point of view on life had shifted. It may have improved and helped me grow. Only time will tell. I am reaching out to those people I need to. HEART saved me and helped me open my eyes, heart, and soul. I have a chance for a better emotional life. Thank you angels for helping and pushing me to see better, clearer. You will forever be in my heart.
– Tito
After years of self help groups and decades of therapy, I had my breakthrough at HEART of Orlando. Please, PLEASE do this for YOU.
– Rodney
40 years, in and out of therapy, read the books, joined support groups, listened to podcasts. With a leap of faith, I attended a weekend. HEART brought more self reflection, more awareness, more clarity than I could have ever imagined. The pain I carried and simply could not unpack no matter how I tried over decades, suddenly broke through. The warmth, the safety, and complete lack of judgment among my HEART family allowed this life changing breakthrough. The love and acceptance is such that I not only had a breakthrough, it set the course for more healing than I have experienced over my lifetime. I am finally finding my authenticity and loving myself. If you know what it means to be uncomfortable in your own skin... if you are haunted by feelings of unworthiness and not being good enough... if you feel misunderstood, not seen, alone in a room full of people, please, there is a space within the heart of the community of HEART of Orlando waiting for you. I have no doubt you will be equally as grateful for your experience as I am.
– Terri
I didn't realize how much I needed to recharge & reconnect. I'm still kind of blown away at how much I learned about myself.
– August
My experiences at HEART of Asheville have been nothing short of miraculous! After years of therapy and self-help books, along with many weekend intensives that promised great transformation, I delayed coming to HoA for almost a year because I just didn’t think another expensive weekend was going to make any real or lasting difference. Boy, was I wrong! About the “expensive” - it was priceless!!! – and about the lasting difference. Maybe it was a matter of right time/right place, when the student is ready the master will appear, but I believe it is all of that plus the gift of a brilliant program, loving instructors who never give up on you, and a community that I am grateful to call my “tribe” without reservations!
– Cathryn
I feel so fortunate to have participated in these workshops, both as a student and an assistant. Each time, looking back, I'm surprised by just how much I've learned and how much I've grown as a result. I always love those little moments of revelation and clarity when something new comes into focus - there's usually a few of those during the workshop, and a few that come after! The insights and understanding I've gained have helped me feel more connected with others, and with myself. I have so much appreciation and lots of love for my HEART community!
– David
I had the honor to assist in the April Heart workshop and what an honor it was. The transformational experience for both the students and the assistants (we’re called angels) was extraordinary. The safety and love throughout the weekend was deeply felt by all. Thank you Tammy and Paula for bringing this important work to the Orlando community.
– Roz
Wow! What a powerful and healing weekend! Thank you all for showing up and allowing me to be a part of something so precious! I am blessed to have assisted with Paula and incredible team of instructors! What a lovely group of assistants that were fun, supportive, present, and safe. You are all in my heart and I'm so blessed to be a part of this community. Keep loving, sharing, dancing, and stay in your truth!
– Kiera
I have nothing but praise for the Heart of Asheville workshops. As a woman in recovery, my experience of the weekend was very powerful and authentic. Throughout the weekend I was surprised over and over to learn about how my childhood experiences have created the rich tapestry that is my life. I was able to identify the dysfunctional patterns that have limited me. I have learned new ways of communicating and expressing my feelings. I am able to be more honest, with myself especially. My friends and family have seen the changes that have come about as a result of doing the exercises in the workshop. Through the excellent guidance and skills of the facilitators the work is integrated at a deep level. I had such wonderful connections with the other participants and made new friends. We had fun and learned so much from each other. This work is an excellent adjunct to 12 Step recovery programs and traditional talk therapy. I plan to attend more Heart of Asheville weekends so that I can continue to grow in my recovery. It's exciting to have this opportunity to participate in becoming whole and healthy. I would wholeheartedly recommend Heart of Asheville to anyone who is "stuck" in their recovery and wants to take the next step.
– Ellen
A huge THANK YOU for creating the space in my heart so I can soar!
– Robert
Being a practicing clinician, the weekend workshop provided direct emotional insight on when a person is in protection and when they're in learning. Understanding the difference has been crucial in empathizing with clients, identifying their stage of change, and ultimately improving the development of the therapeutic relationship.